Marcel Smith

It's the "resourceful" part I'm talking about in particular. He sure is "resourceful". Yeah he's kind of smart but not like the others, and of course hes like that, he's gay.. Of course the gay character is sassy with the others.

Well let's see, what else does Connors character really bring to the series besides sex? Sorry you had to do a little brainwork on your own, I know that the Internet is for people that wish to do the opposite.

I would very much like to see you explain exactly how my opinion that there is too much gayness in the show is "ignorant", without comparing it to your own opinion…

I didn't say there could only be one, please don't put words where they never were. I'm just already tired of seeing a gay sex scene every episode (sometimes 2).. Connor brings enough gay to that show without Annalise.

Ugh… Another gay couple…. Isn't Connor gay enough for the entire network!?