
In re: The Gracekeepers

This guy has always epitomized rock and roll to me. Well, maybe not rock and roll, but popular musical innovation. I don't always like where he's going, but he is fearless in his exploration.

Great. Now all I can think of is Spotted Dick and Toad-in-the-Hole…

The long wait is over: A game that will groom the middle schools students of today into the Columbine killers of tomorrow.

I must have missed this due to the reviews. I should correct that - it looks like a good cast. Thanks.

Yeah, half the leading roles gone in 90 seconds! Who saw that coming?

Gorgeously executed, especially the ultimate confrontation. But the story seemed like it was a rejected plot from the Roger Moore James Bond era.

"…the last truly great lead performance of De Niro’s career…"

Best use of a cover of "Yesterday" in a movie was in "Once Upon a Time in America".

He's got a bit of a Clive Owen thing going on in that photo.


I have a lot of respect that they have a great cast they aren't afraid to kill off one by one.

Any hate for "Layla"?

So it's only affecting grups? That sucks. You finally reach the legal drinking age and you can't celebrate.

Uri Geller being fact checked by Einstein look-alike.

I saw that years ago when it was broadcast on PBS, and that never occurred to me. I should watch it again - I remember being completely captivated by it. [tangent] His screenplay for Dreamchild is a nice dark take on Alice. [/tangent]

Yeah, CS Lewis writing Susan out of the books was a petty and spiteful move. But I can deal with the Christian allegory, and even though I love The Golden Compass trilogy (most of it), I can't hate Lewis the way that Pullman does.

"Don't tase me, bro."

Bill Paxton. Bill Pullman.

Obligatory "Yeah, but they would have loved it if it came barbecue flavored" post.