Chris Salazar

thank you for such fascinating insight!

huh? what's you're problem, it's a written show with these kinds of ideas in mind. Ever read literature?


I thought it was japanese?

Huh i didn't see the cross….I'll have to look again! I thought it was more about escape, launch, getting out. Like the faulty window was outside, outer space, leaking. I was super nervous when Don pushed on that window pane!

Ah that's right about Ted, but he wanted this right? He seems to be happy that Don walked out so he doesn't have to deal with him, and other people can drive like he wanted. But I think the fact that neither Peggy or Roger showed up on time, nor were apologetic about it showed that they will continue to be who they

So I guess each of the characters tonight refuse to give in. They will continue to push to be themselves….wow…heavy stuff.

I'm surprised I haven't read more about the astronaut metaphors for Don. He looks at the Empire state building like it's a rocket, blasts off the earth and not one can seem to reach him. He's floating around in his little capsule, looking for a place to land. McCann is like Houston, with it's white shirts and legions