Which one are you calling limited? Pom Klementieff or Dave Bautista? I've never seen Pom in anything else and I read that Dave Bautista launched himself wholeheartedly into taking professional acting classes when he moved into film from wrestling.
Which one are you calling limited? Pom Klementieff or Dave Bautista? I've never seen Pom in anything else and I read that Dave Bautista launched himself wholeheartedly into taking professional acting classes when he moved into film from wrestling.
John Barrowman chews scenery thoughtfully, like a connoisseu. "Shall I chew that tree? Why, yes I shall.". Segerra is like a competitive eater. When he walks off set it's bare!
So basically you're saying that Savitar's motivation is EXACTLY THE SAME as the one they gave the Reverse-Flash in season one: "I hate you because we are enemies in the future"
Not too fussed about Walla, though the character could have grown more interesting over time. But Deadshot was great and a real shame to lose him. I liked him a lot better than the movie version of Deadshot where Will Smith was fine as Will Smith but completely unconvincing as an assassin. This show's version you…
Ha! I thought *exactly* the same thing! And from the expression on Felicity's face, so did she! :D
I always liked him but I'll say that you come to know a character that you play for a long time. So it's not necessarily improvement as an actor (though everyone does improve), but also having developed Oliver Queen as a character itself.
It's subtle enough that it may not be intended. But in that scene where Diggle and Lylah are having a conversation above the secret base whilst Dinah and Curtis look on through the glass panel, if rather than focus on John and Lylah patching things up you instead watch the onlooker's expressions, Curtis seems to be…
The best comedy moments in Arrow are not the lines, but the times when Oliver does or says something that is just so completely in character for him. Like that time Felicity is talking to him about his training methods and he comments about shooting one of his students in the leg…
"Actually I meant Roy. But…
Ah, I didn't quite read "Physical presence" as "Physical resemblence." Got it! :) Yeah, pretty different characters as Chase has much more intimidating madness / anger. But good grief do they muddle up for me visually. :)
Fair enough! :)
I see. I thought it was just a general thing to do with causing offense. I definitely see it more in the context of it being about offense than being about psychological trauma. There are a legion of "triggered" memes out there and they're used for lots of things other than traumatic events.
Internet is probably not the best place for those - it's disproportionately populated by assholes. Cries for help in the real world have much better success rate. Good luck!
Ha ha! For that last point, I very cheerfully declare you won on the weird relationships contest! That's the weirdest.
Overdue vengeance for William the Conqueror then. :D
No, seriously - spoiler tag that. It's a big spoiler to one of the
major emotional moments in the film. Whilst many of us have seen the
movie, it's not actually out in the USA yet (or has only just come out
there if it is) unlike much of the rest of the world.
replied to wrong comment - ignore
I don't see either character as autistic.
It felt like a possible romance between them. There was a definite connection and at the end he told her she was beautiful on the inside and earlier in the film had told her this was much better than being beautiful on the outside. Also there is that very touching scene where he talks about his dead child and Drax is…