I've been going with Papa Canary.
I've been going with Papa Canary.
He may not have gathered everyone together in the middle of the day, but one of the first things he did - literally minutes afterwards, iirc - was to inform Thea of what Susan had just said.
"Black's are the real racists." Blow me.
Perhaps that's what bothers me. For a season and a half, Alex's "true self" has been hunting bad guys, having fun with guns and generallly bad-assing all over the place. Also, relaxing on the sofa with junk food in a sweatsuit to watch soap operas with her baby sister. Now the show is telling me that inside Alex is…
Point taken. ;) But actually yes, it actually would have been funnier if he had been naked if he had also still acted just the same, like "okay, I'm naked now." :)
So much this. I loved that moment for exactly the reason you give.
Heh. That's a good point. They should add some comedy misfires for Cupid to highlight just how difficult archery is. "Pin his arm, Cupid." *headshot* "Oops."
Sure. Look at the way he was on the ground and Cupid and the cop lady (see this is why they need supervillain names - so you can remember them) are just standing either side of him kicking him. It buys time for the others to regroup and for Renee to get the jump on Cop Lady from behind. That's two name-level villains…
Yeah. I disagree with what she did and she has a genuine dark streak. But Hell is she fascinating to watch because of it.
And what purpose does Curtis serve on the field. I find it most
implausible the Team haven't voted to kick him off going on the field as
he is a liability.
Where did they say anything about "fault"? They just pointed out a basic difference between the two scenarios.
It depends how much weight you put on sleeping together doesn't it? You slept with someone you wrote about, you played Squash with someone you wrote about, you were friends with someone you wrote about, you went to school with someone you wrote about, you're the brother-in-law of someone you wrote about. What's fine…
Also, whilst Thea might justifiably be pissed at Susan for the stunt she pulled, I as a member of the public, kind of like a journalist that actually still does investigative journalism rather than just trots out whatever soundbites they're handed and makes up click-baity headlines. Journalists who actually find…
If you cross my loved one, you cross me. So I can see why Thea went all nuclear from the start. She just made sure on her promise. But I guess back then we loved it, now I don't see why it's unforgivable.
I feel like "burning their entire life" is sort of a hyperbole. Susan can find a different job. Her life isn't over.
Also, "My Nights with the Arrow" is going to top the Best Seller lists for a lot longer than some newspaper article about exposing the mayor.
Sigh. I wish they'd let him smile like that in the movie.
Is it really so wrong that she wants to have reasonable grounds before she accuses someone of something?
But after she knew that he was the mayor. Which is motivation enough.