Aaron Summers

To be fair, this site's coverage of the the 3rd season of The Newsroom was embarrassing to say the least. The reviewer's obsession with skewering one of the main characters was so ridiculous you would have thought that he was a real person who had just broken up with her. Time and time again she betrayed her role as

Ugh, this has been so disappointing. Libby Hill is not a feminist. Her work is a parody of feminism that serves to do nothing more than to bolster misogynists who want to point at these petty and peevish miscarriages of sensible dialogue on a very important issue and say that the entire movement is ridiculous. I

The indignant weighing of 'deserved' sympathies is, to a certain extent, only engaged in by people who think they're decent people. Caring about grim and important and too overlooked issue raised in a story should not overcloud ones capacity to care about the characters in that story.

Yeah, and after they ware out the criticism that he's a guy who is doing what ever he wants, simply because he can (which is usually an interesting thing to see) they'll probably have to revert to something even more broad and sigh-worthy, like calling him a misogynist.

Okay, seriously, is no one going to mention that this episode is a loose adaptation of "All His Engines?" Where are the fans?

"You can't leave a piece you've touched…" Perfect Shoshanna line, one that makes her Pollyanna-ism more cute and endearing rather than just annoying.

Wonder if the half-Japanese cellist will be featured.

"Well personally, I kinda wanna slay the dragon." One of the Best. Lines. Ever.

w/r/t Carnivale, the clip shown is not from the show, nor the voice-over or the character of the "Dog-Faced Boy" that the voice-over mentions. The voice-over does pay slight homage to themes of the series vis-a-vis the world of the carnival and mysticism. The show itself is about the death of magic as catalyzed — if

Wouldn't "Gentrification is so fucked up even people who are privileged by it think that it's bullshit" be a better reaction?

What good does context do you if you think a media review and a grinded ax are the same thing? Don't forget, Jim also has the same principals as Don in this respect and because he had a conflict with his girlfriend based on those principals he's 'the worst guy in the world.'

This whole 'mansplaining' thing seems to be getting out of hand. I don't think the phenomenon is a windmill; I've seen it to be ubiquitous both in reality and popular culture. The problem with regards to Sorkin though is that his shows are populated by people who all think they're the smartest person in the room and

As always, it's pretty awesome when a kids show — specifically one made to also appeal to adults — slips in some kick-ass erudition. Beyond the motto for the Veritas Brigade (Veritas being Latin for 'Truth') being Lux in Tenebris (Lat. 'Light in Darkness), the password call-and-response at the very beginning is a

Was I the only one who noticed Dipper stealing at glance at Wendy's chest after the purification gas pushed them together? To be honest, I didn't see it immediately, and wouldn't have expected it (this being a kids show and all), but right after it happened I thought 'wait a minute, that was just a spontaneous embrace