Karl Hungus

By far the best ad broadcast during the Super Bowl was this five second regional spot for a local heating & plumbing company called Michael & Son, shown only in the Baltimore/DC metro area and starring Mike Tyson.

You make some salient points, but I think you're misinterpreting partly.

I don't think you're taking my point.

Exactly. You and the rest of the public are as entitled to feel however you want about Mel Gibson as he is about Jews and blacks. Your opinion may be spot on or it may be completely off-base. But the only information you have is what's available in the media. Go ahead and condemn him if you want, but to me it's a

So because you're Catholic you've got beef with Mel Gibson.

Wow, cool trick! How did you read Mel Gibson's mind like that? Do another! Ooh what's up with Bieber?

Sadly no, he will just have to content himself with having directed the entirety of Spaced.

Edgar Wright's prominence could kick Rian Johnson's prominence's ass.