
Kid ain't funny.

He's not funny enough to be a dishwasher. This afternoon I saw a video of whatever that shit was supposed to be and he SUCKS.

Now, Junior behave yourself!

And yet morons worship them as gods.

Writing an article about The Undertones.

Oh, I caught on that you are full of it a while ago.

Are you serious?

Maybe she'll do better with Not The Super Bowl.

Would it be offensive if I said only assholes care about this event?

Fuck, the Stones and Springsteen have been doing the same shit for forty years and they get away with it.

Is it a racist joke? Would it still be offensive if I said it was a joke about that guy being a fucking nobody?

Wait - Which one? Bill Maher? Chris Mathews? Donald Trump! HEY! The Third Times the Charm!

They voted against Clinton more than they voted for Trump. Some people think he's the bee's knees but him not being Clinton is enough for most of his Voters.

I am surprised to learn that you were not impressed with Trump's Rally tonight.

They're REAL douchebags.

They let the Dishwasher tell a few jokes. Nice!

It looks good when Black guys do it but White guys with shaved heads look like idiots. Except for "The Transformer" guy.

Remember when he Hosted "SNL"? I had no idea who he was but halfway through the Show I was like "Fuck, this guy can do whatever the hell he wants to do!"

Did they show Home Movies of their Week End on David Geffen's Yacht with Oprah and the Obama's? Fuck those guys.

Nope, "The Beatniks" with Norman Reedus and a familiar Fat Funny Sctor as The Beatniks". Pretty funny Comedy Movie.