
No, he's the creep who goes in there to get Beer for Teenagers so they will hang around with him.

Wow! You took "Zuckerberg" and turned it into "Fuckerberg"! You changed only one letter and now it has a completely different and new meaning. You are so clever.

Darryl is better in "The Beatniks" than he is in this stupid Movie.

I Love you, Mr. Greene.

Yeah, I Love The State!

Harvey gets want he wanted. I am so relieved.

That's good.

Well, they're better than Metallica at least.

Wow, "Wag" seems like a longer Time ago than that. It was one of the crazy Movies my Mom would call me on the phone and command me to take her to see. Boy, could she pick em.


I look forward to the inferior TV version of that shitty Movie with great anticipation.

Nothing. Unless he's asking for a Vote.

Axl and Westerberg shake their heads sadly.

Small enough to fit on your Lap Top screen. Click on one to make it a little bigger. More pictures available with a subscription.

I've never seen either one, but has got to be worse than "The Room". As bad as "Home Sweet Home"? I'm not going to find out.

"I'm Nick!"
"And I'm Nick!"
"We are The Beatniks!!!"

That was one lucky duck.

"Like Red Foxx playin' Monopoly with Food Stamps n' Rollin' Papers!"

I never heard of Robin Thede until ten minutes ago and I'm thinking she could do better than this.

He thought he could Direct a Movie.