
It's awful.

Hell Yeah.

You should be a Studio Executive. If only Irving Thalberg knew about Little Indian Scientist Titties!

Watch "ATM" where he has actual Sex with a Cash Machine.

The Mister Bean Movie was Great.

That little Indian Scientist Girl was cute. That Movie needed some Little Indian Scientist Girl titties.

I like when they're flying in the plane, look over to see an Atomic Mushroom Cloud, and react like two guys in a car driving past a Fender Bender.

Hell, I forgot all about that. I need to see that.

All of the Izzy "Illusion" Songs are great.

I liked when he had White Guy Dreads. He had the right face for that.

Did you see the Chinese Democracy GNR Concert on Fuse with Izzy playing Guitar and Singing? He seems to be having a great time.

It seems being an Internationally Notorious Heroin Addict was really humiliating for the guy.

Been kinda depressed all day over poor ol' Demme. He seemed to be a really nice guy and one of the most well liked Directors.

Sick of him. He's Great but I don't care anymore.

I don't want t watch any of this. When are they doing the Izzy Straddlin Bio Pic?

I didn't know Billy Joel did Stand Up.

They should make an Erin Moran Baiopic.

Reasonable motherfuckers ruin EVERYTHING!

Phoenix is . . . How you say . . . Awesome!

" . . . probably won't feature the host condescendingly explaining how everyone other than him is wrong about everything"