
It made the writer sound stupid. But they're smart enough to never say "cuck" so I'll give them credit for that.

David Letterman was an ass to her and it was supposed to be "Daring" and "Bold". Her and about five hundred other people.

These people on both the Left and Right are so tangled in each other they have spun off into their own little idiot universe. Most of us found their bickering kind of interesting for a while but are quickly losing interest. Fuck em.

Shut up with the "snowflake" shit. Most people think anyone who says that is stupid.

"It's made by leftists for leftists and is repulsive to anywhere else."

I like Chris Rock in the "Grown Ups" Movies when he watches something happen and yells stuff like "Like Beyonce eating French Fries on a riding lawn mower!!". He's prematurely senile, right?

Looks funny. And that Girl is Beautiful.

My Problems are the President's fault? Only pussies talk like that.

Ha ha, put down by an Australian. Have a Nice Easter!

Rich Americans who yack about giving up US Citizenship and taking all their Money to Australia don't know that the Australians have no use for that shit. Australians have their own ideas about the Future of their Country. Imagine the impact of say, ten Americans with One Quarter of a Billion Dollars each moving into

"Kangaroo", man. "Kangaroo".

I met a couple of Australians at a party not too long ago and couldn't be bothered to talk to them.

It creates the illusion that Sarah Silverman is somebody.

They only made "Popeye" to keep Robin Williams busy while all the other Comedians were making "Caddyshack".

I did my Taxes yesterday. I had to pay Seventy Something Bucks. I'm a High Roller!

Bad News - Aunt Cecile is going with him.

And it comes in cans from America.

Tommy! Get out of the Country before the bombs start falling!!!

Lately I've been thinking that Metallica is the Worst. That fucking "Enter Sandman" is on the Radio constantly and . . . That goddam "Now I lay me down to sleep" kid. He's dead, right?

That would be good. Simon and Jerry leading the clean up and leading Humanity into the Future.