
We do not agree. I guess we are obliged to call each other Nazis and act like idiots. Cause we're at the AV Club in 2017.

You have caught on by now that he is crazy, right? He has been chattering away for FORTY years.

The Undertones, Choo-Choo. The Undertones.

Why can't he just say what he is supposed to say?

He said something a lot of people are bothered with! Oh, he has got to go!

What a Clown he turned out to be. Made a few good Movies and "Hey! I'm Famous! Yip Yip Yahoo!"

The whole album is good? Hmm . . .

I am not eating there.

I almost made a Del Close joke but Woodward already slimed him for encouraging Belushi to take Drugs. So I thought I'd give him a pass.


Yes I did. On the CBS Movie Of The Week when I was a Kid.

Geez, I never made the Chicago connection between all those guys. Did they all take Improv Classes at the Second City?

Your Porn Parody should be Hot Stuff!

A Side of Jimmy Stewart in "Rope" we've never seen before.

I was watching Be a Arthur and Betty White in an Episode where they all had the Cold and the Old Lady was taking care of them. It was not sexy.

And a T Shirt that's supposed to look like a Tuxedo.


Is that a Kenny Banya bit? I LOVE that guy!

There are lots of good Female Comedians. But these Political People, Male or Female - They stink!