
I paid to see his Car.

It's a better idea for a Movie than Josh Peck stuck in an ATM Kiosk.

Stand Up Comedy of the Future . . .

Yeah, it's weird. He needs to take more of a Chuck Berry like pleasure in being an Influence on younger artists!

That's good. He was whining about them in an interview the other day.

"The Cleveland Show" was funny. I just recorded a Podcast Episode mourning it's fate.

Vaughn Meader

This Show is garbage.

Tina Fey will be introduced as "That strange old lady in the credit card commercials".

Those Hollywood liberals sure can take a joke.

He doesn't do any whining about Key and Peale, does he? He's got to get over that shit.

He's a Complete Asshole. I heard him on the Radio years ago doing the usual whining about the Government interfering with how he ran his Ammunition Factory. This idiot thought he was going to cook his own "Chow" in the Factory so his Employees could eat while Working - He wouldn't have to give them a Lunch Break. Can

The Janet Leigh of 2017? That's not a very exciting thing to be. All the Sexy Show Biz Babes are laughing at her.

Oh yeah, whatever you say!

Most of you are too young to be aware of this, but the Left exploited the Sandinista thing to bum the fuck out of us teenage kids and get us to pay attention to their bullshit "There's gonna be a WAR in Central America and it's gonna be even WORSE than Vietnam!! You're all gonna get DRAFTED and forced to SERVE in the

An "American Dad" clip? How many gay jokes? Twenty? Thirty?

Joe is one of the funnier members of The State.

A life time Rolling Stone subscriber, right?

Everyone in the Military knew North was bullshit. A Marine Officer who never served in Vietnam? Come on . . .

"I forgot how to make my Actor Faces! Do I look 'Sad'?"
"You look 'Angry'!"
"I'm scared!"
"You look 'Hungry'!"