
I was busy doing stuff and only checked up on the News a minute ago. Rachel Maddow has fucked up her reputation so badly she will be getting a Big Money Job Offer from CNN. Way To Go!

That is genuinely frightening.

No, she's Married to another Lesbian Comic with a conventional Lesbian Hair Cut.

Yeah, there are good ones. I saw a beautiful one about the Undertones a couple of weeks ago.

And she's got nude pictures of Ivanka - From 2047!

The Federal Government has lots of Employees with lots of Time.

And Colbert is popular, too. Hope they're saving their Money.

Wow, Lesbian Night at the AV Club. Is that Stand Up Comic Girl with the stupid hair going to be here?

You get more attention posting at the AV Club than you would doing a Show on MSNBC.

Go away? To where Rachel Maddow is?

Okay. You post one insulting comment about me and then I'll do one about you. If anybody else makes a post we will turn on them and totally fuck em up.

It's MSNBC. If Ratings mattered Rachel Maddow would be doing a blog somewhere

Declining to share your Tax Records with the Public is not Tax Evasion.

Don't worry. They might want to talk to you but it will be okay.

Disques is turning your name in to the Secret Service right now.

And you will get a visit from two very frightening men in cheap suits Wednesday Morning. Practice your nervous stammering.

Rachel Maddow talking about Tax returns. You've got to be really fucking bored to care about that.

I'm not "Cute" enough to Work for "SNL" in 2017. Look at Belushi, Murray, Aykroyd, and everybody else on the Show in the Seventies - Were they "Cute" enough to be on "SNL" today? No.

I hate that fuckin' word. And "Mockumentary" - FUCK!

Will there be a wacky "SNL" sketch with Trump being interviewed in the Oval Office and his crazy Sons clowning around in the background? Oh ha ha ha . . .