
To Dream The Impasseble Dream . . .

This is a chance for me to brag to the AV Club about how one of my old drinking buddies Directed a lot of SpongeBob cartoons. But he's an LA Show Biz Leftie now and won't talk to me. When will America be One? WHEN?

I think it's more of a Tpyo.

Oh. Now I feel bad. What a way to begin the week.

Oh. Who was Duane?


Oh, this will be nice . . .

You're the Producer of "Z Nation", right?

Negan's Downfall will be when the Saviors decide that growing their own food is easier than all that endless traveling back and forth to Scare people.

It's a lot like "Party Of Five", ain't it?

Duane should still be on the Show!

I can never tell cantaloupe apart from grapefruit. Silly Fruit.

Boy, that looked like a lousy Show.

I imagine that with Jack Krugman and Tony Randall and it really PLAYS!

He and Dwight are gonna be Super Surprise Heroes!

Well, they are really SPOOKY!

Shut up!

You're so fucking stupid. All these AV Club "Walking Dead" reviews have the Douchebag Writer complaining about how the characters behavior doesn't "Make Sense". In this case Morgan goes nuts over someone dying. Why? Why would he go nuts over someone's Death? Because the Poor Man is stuck in the middle of the fucking

Some guy the AV Club hates made a JOKE so they did an entire article bitching about how stupid it is. Fuck, you couldn't find anything totally fuckin' HILARIOUS some liberal Democrat came up with? You're just assholes.

It was a jughead move.