
Great Line Up! Are tickets still available?

People who work in kitchens are shitty and inferior, eh?

Man, forget it. Okay?

Anton looks down on people use a spatula at work.

Rampaging gangs of NRA fanatics. Jesus.

It's only a comments board.

Just making a joke, man.

I want to know about any Meetings between AV Club Staff Members and "SNL" Staff Members.

I like teenage whores who don't shoot the wives of sleazy guys in the face.

Hey, there's an amazing article on the AV Club about a sketch Kate McKinnon dod on "SNL" last night! WOW!

Yeah, I think I already saw forty articles about this sketch on forty other sites today. You're just kissing asses here.

Don't give up, you might turn out to be Morrissey or Michael Stipe.

They haven't even started the Internment Camps yet.

When it comes to annoying the shitty and inferior, yeah.

That was good.


You're deliberately trying to be a pain, aren't you?

Oh, that's why she is so bad, because she did it while the HBCU (black) guys were in the room? "I'll show these uppitty HBCU (black) people what's going on! I'm going to put my feet on the sofa! HA! Just like Lillian Gish in 'Birth Of A Nation'!"

I just wanted people to know that the guy mentioned in the article is really cool.

Remember the when it wasn't just a lot of bitching and griping?