
Just cut out all the Adam Scott.

"Duck Soup 2 - Trentino's Revenge!"

They're afraid there might be a giant monkey nearby.

McKay is too busy running around barking at people.


Jerry Reed and Sandy Duncan were pretty Big.

I hope that "Snowflake" is part of the Joke.

Goddam, am I glad I'm not a Baby Boomer.

Actually "The View" is run by ABC News. And ABC News is very unhappy about it.

As we can see here at the AV Club every day "Trump fucked up" is easy. Any fucking idiot can do that. Somebody has to come in and liven things up around here.

Habitual Liars are the only kind of people who are involved in Politics and Political Commentary as professions.

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't stick to the ORANGE BREITBART GOLDEN SHOWERS Formula.

Between your Cousin and you that is one fucked up Family.

Bullshit. Psychotic Thugs are incapable of maintaining any kind of discipline. During Basic Training I saw numerous Gang Member Types sent packing for refusing to get out of bed in the Morning, not being to be quiet during Classes, throwing tantrums, etc.

Trump is not My Hero. And "Safe Space" is YOUR kind of Talk, not mine.

I didn't say anything like that. I was talking about people in general.

My point was that people fuck up and when people one side of the Political Bullshit Game fuck up the people on the other side make a huge deal out of it. All I'm saying about Trump was that he fucked up. Go ahead and make a huge deal out of it, I don't fuckin' care.

Anybody who thinks they are going to join the Military to kill people and get away with it will be rejected by the Military.

Yesterday on "The View" Joy Behar said that during the Cuban Missile Crisis the Soviets sent Missiles to Queens. She just made a mistake, of course, everybody knew what she really meant. You get the benefit of a doubt when you're one of the Good People. The Good People eat shit.

That damn Collective Soul Song "Yeuh?" I was kinda obsessed with for a while . . .