
That never happened. So neither did 9/11 or the Paris attacks, right? It was all a big SCAM! Just like Benghazi. Except for the four dead guys. But they weren't Muslims so it's COOL!

Wait . . . Now that I think about . . . You've got a point there!

Now that he has offended Patton Oswalt and the Mighty Mighty AV Club he is an unemployed asshole.

I'm sure you like sheep more than lions, right?

Kidding around at an Awards Show. What an asshole.

All this "Gosh, what do Daryl and Carol have in common that they are so close? Gee, it's not romantic or sexual, what can it be? Gee!" You really don't know?

Certainly Obama and H Clinton.

Or after the Paris Concert Attack when he basically said "Well, FUCK! What am I supposed to do? Shit!"

He handled the "incoherent nonsense" very well.

"economic and military power that aren't going away"?

"no longer going to be the super power"?

Every Terror attack committed by Muslims. Obama has no problem with that at all.

Fuck off. "Citation?" Like I Work for the dickhead.

After eight years of a President who didn't give a fuck about Real Life tragedies (Except for ones he could use to whimper about Gun Control, of course) maybe Fictional Ones will do the trick.

I bet you're real bummed out ABC won't let you use that in the shitty Sit Com you're Producing, Larry.

I think all the people who have been murdered by terrorists might have more to do with "creating" that 'sense of fear" than a dumb mistake some guy made in a speech.

If you wrote that in a New York Times Editorial about Trump you would be really profound.

And Maher will say something about 13 year old girls and he and Milo will do a funny little dance.

Oh, the President said something people who don't like him can make lame jokes about. Except for Larry Wilmore. He'll just tell somebody to "Fuck off!"

Didn't waste no time on that Milo-Maher mess, I'll tell you that. Saw how big a fuss you Losers made over those fools in the Comments - HA!