
You were "horrified"? Stay away from European History of the Thirties-Forties. You wouldn't be able to take it.

We aren't supposed to find out if these people are okay to be allowed into the US. Don't you watch TV News? Checking these people out is Racist and stuff! We're really supposed to think that.

Yeah, I know that. Most people seem to be really horrified by that.

I'll come back after Dinner.

They would be let in. "Vetting", you know.

But NO checking to see if they might be plotting to kill Americans! Only HITLER would do that!

Dan Quayle was the Republican Vice President and GOD DAMN RIGHT he was trying to justify a racist policy designed to cause the pain and suffering of millions!!!!!

Oh, fuck. Now we have to like Buzzfeed.

It's cooler than starting a band.

So move to Kentucky already.

Now Big League is funny, too!

I hope they play Bowling Green.

The Show's coming on and I gotta get a Coke. Later.

He's like a Vampire!

In 2017 that's not a risky prediction.

I guess you weren't here when I said that Kevin Smith didn't get 100% of the Money people paid to see his Movies in Theaters. Boy, did everybody at the AV Club lose it over that.

"Chance The Guy Who Won't Be Popular In Two Years" would have been better.

Oh, another rapper.

I didn't plan on spending the afternoon talking about the jerk.

He has to EAT! Weird.