
"Quit trashing Obama's accomplishments. He has done more than any other
President before him. He has an impressive list of accomplishments:

Thank you. I'm looking forward to the help that is coming on November 4th. Keep in touch!

Must be tough living in Obama's economy at the age of 18.

That is your interruption. Which demonstrates how you would like to re-act to a situation. You really are a paranoid creature.

Actually, not so much. I cherish my gay conservative friends. Unlike the Leftist LGBT, we don't have to flaunt our junk waving unicorn flags in the streets. We do not live in obscurity….we're out and about working our best to remove this fraud of a President. There are far more than you would like to believe. Truth

Is that what you tell yourself in the mirror? "I really can't believe how stupid some of you guys are." You really have that down well. You should get out more.

Thank you

"Quit trashing Obama's accomplishments. He has done more than any other
President before him. He has an impressive list of accomplishments:

You really should slow down on taking the zingers.

You're just like your Dictator-In-Chief. In denial. If you feel that threatened…..I suggest you see a doctor in getting a shot of confidence.

Good try. Because this gay boy knows you haul your trailer around to every new cat you meet. Liberals…imagine a world without them.

Keep trying sweetie……..you'll never be able to pull me to your level. Unless you are going to contribute some level of intellect to the conversation…..don't even respond.

I demonstrated no violence what so ever. That's your assumption of interpretation. Which would indicate what your primary motivators are. I'm more than happy to show up anywhere at anytime to discuss what's on your mind.

Really enjoy this hatred that Blue showcases. Keep it up…..children. See you on November 4th.

Sorry mate…this flag was around way before your scum-bag pot head was around. If it really means something to you…let's meet up in town and we can discuss it more.

True Blue - The real rasicts. The real people who sleep with guilt in thinking our nation is a fraud. Don't like Old Glory, pack your bags and live in Kenya with your favorite pResident.