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    Have you seriously watched enough of his videos that you feel like you can claim that making those kind of jokes (some of which I've personally not seen any examples of) is a "hallmark" of his material? Pewdiepie isn't exactly known as "that anti-semitic guy" or "that guy who makes heaps of rape jokes".

    He did apologize though. That doesn't mean he isn't entitled to call out the media for what he thinks is some bullshit reporting and misrepresentation.

    So he owes them an apology or else? People are allowed to make the decision to called other people or corporations motherfuckers, he doesn't automatically owe them an apology just because its a rude thing to do. Not everyone has to be nice to everyone else all the time.

    he's been accused of making anti-semitic remarks, what does that have to do with the media? he didn't apologize to the media at any point, he doesn't owe them one.

    he's just a mostly unfunny edgelord, who cares

    Vegemite (and I guess Marmite too) is a great addition when you're making your own gravy. You can use it instead of salt and give the sauce a much more savoury, meaty taste.

    Except Adult Swim said that there were never any swastikas in the show that needed to be removed, and the only person who suggested there were any refused to say where they heard that.

    Have you got any evidence supporting that? Seems like a pretty heavy accusation to make. I've been a fan of MDE for years and have never seen anything that would make me think the members are involved with neo-nazi communities.

    Am I missing the part of the Rolling Stone article where he explicitly mentions Kendrick of TPAB?