Aaron Hubbard

Your reply is a prime example of ignorance. 1-the universities do invite him, please do a minute of research before just saying ignorant lies, and you will find a number of universities have invited him and still are.2- you replied to my comment my opinion so i replied back,,your the troll.3- you dont have to attend a

So the universities pay him to come give a speech, because he has no qualifications ? How many places are paying to hear your dumb ass speak? The statement that somehow making it through college equals a person who tells the truth ,is moronic, and naive, but its the level of thought that i would expect from a libtard.

Take the time to actually look up the definitionof bigotry, or here ile do it for you.Bigotry- intollerance towards those who hold a different opinions than ones self.
Bigot-one who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
When a speaker cant speak his opinion because acts of violence are carried out by

That english teacher was your mother, and I killed her with a load to the throat.

Funny you guys probably have no clue, milo is gay he is not a right wing extremist and he is not dangerous ..What is dangerous is people not tolerating or respecting others view or opinion the very definition of bigotry. If you where so scared of his speech than maybe its because he speaks the truth and it hurts to