It's hideous. I don't like this Brave New World.
It's hideous. I don't like this Brave New World.
"I'm more of a cat person" > "Mayonnaise on french fries is actually pretty great"
As you should.
Joan Didion > Ernest Hemingway
Mass Effect: Andromeda was actually a fine game. B+.
Gentlemen prefer Claire Danes
I think I like Dougie Jones more than Dale Cooper.
Wait, this comments thread is doing what to who now?
Who is Joss Whedon?
Chris Pine really grew on me.
And remember kids, Camus is pronounced Cah-moose. Say it just like that. People will be super impressed. Cay-mus is also acceptable.
I agree. It is indeed hard to say your are wrong.
"Hey, guys, we're looking pasted our beliefs…"
On yet another horrorshow day, thank you to the person who crafted that incredible headline, and to all who worked wines into Beastie Boys lyrics. You've helped dispel the shadow that fell across my soul.
That interview was obviously with Jerry.
Good catch. I'd forgotten Hawk's take on fire and intention.
I walked around, but not quite up to this idea. Fire seems to be almost purely a chaotic, even malignant force in the Lynch/Frostverse: Bob flicking matches at Leland, taunting him with "Do you like to play with fire?"; the ominous, menacing tone of the "…fire walk with me" poem/incantation; the logjam and fire…
Awesome catch, Dougie!