Richard Sanderson

I feel the same about Night Nurses from Outerspace

By the same token Nicuaraga which is universally panned is one of the highest rated of all the recent seasons. Returning players don't provide better ratings but I would argue stunt casting like Lisa Whelchel and Jimmy Johnson does. Returning players make it easier for the people running the show because maybe they

More like a pitcher throwing a shutout when the owner asked people in casting for the baseball game if they were fans of him. I don't think a reality tv winner had it lined up on a tee for them as much as he did.

Why is Vytas vote bitter? He flat out told Tyson in the game you cut me out this round I am not voting for you on the jury and he kept his word.

This is pretty much the first fleshed out final 5 on the show in a couple years as most seasons now usually have at least 1 person who gets to the finale as invisible as Katie/Caleb. Besides Cochran and Dawn everyone in the final 5 of Caramoans might as well have been palm trees.

Cause it was Amber who actually pulled the wool over Kathy at f10. Her vote was every bit as bitterness towards Amber as it was pro Rob.

Normally I would agree but looking at the makeup of the jury this is one of the wealthier group of potential jurors. Laura is a successful business owner, the Bauskaskus Bros and Hayden come from well to do families,Katie works on Wall Street, Tina is well off. Their is a clear lack of starving 20 something

It's an editing trick. Those tribal councils are really long so If you have 3 hours of a jurors making dozen of faces you probably have lot's of expression shots of any emotion you feel like editing and you synch it to any part of the tc which is shown in the episode. Say for example Aras shakes his head and laughs

Going back to f2 is long overdue. Half the seasons now have been f3 and in the majority of them its been someone+2 goats. F3 ensures the f5 vote is undramatic and people are content to be a 3rd wheel.

If she made f3 Tina would have great chance to win since she would have her daughter and Bauskaskas bros votes on lockdown and probably Laura's against anyone but Ciera. That's 4 votes in the bag out of 9. That said it would be very shocking if she won the RI challenge + 2 immunities Sunday.

I actually think Tyson is just an a**hole and what he said about Monica is probably way worse then what was shown but because he probably wins it's been framed a lot tamer. I somewhat agree with you about Ciera she seems the type of person who would laugh along with shit talkers and bullies and her last minute moral

I think with how Gervase and Monica were edited this episode the winner has reached boston rob/Cochran kim level of obviousness now and if anyone really thinks the outcome is in doubt congrats on them for just starting to watch reality shows.

If they split it to cable and network the nominees for network would be like The Good Wife,Downton Abbey,Scandal and 2 crap high rated shows like The Blacklist,Ncis/CSI . Good network dramas like Sleepy Hollow,Parenthood and Person Of Interest would still be Emmy snubbed and The Good Wife would still be the only

Wait how is her decision to draw rocks nuts when she was flat out told she was 4th at tribal? She is not going to win f4 immunity based on any challenge I have seen in Survivor ever.

If your Ciera the 1 in 3 chance the rock going your way at f6 is significantly better then her odds at winning a 1 in 4 immunity. And really given her challenge track record I don't think even she would assume her odds of pulling off an upset at the final immunity challenge are anywhere close to 1 in 4.

Those 5 winners had consistent storylines though. Hayden while present most episodes it was usually just non personal narration about challenges and rewards . It's also hard to imagine if he won that he would have been virtually non existent the Culpepper boot and the next episode not been given some kind of thought

Her strategic thoughts usually were voiced the weeks she was in majority they were just usually confined to secret scenes. It's not just a coincidence that every person idoled out(or In her case rocked out) ever get's a who they Purple Kelly/Cowboy Rick/ edit because they don't want the audience to feel sympathy for

How is Katie a" floater"? She was in an alliance they just didn't have the numbers and got picked off at the early part of the merge. Then when the majority alliance imploded she tried to get in with Caleb/Hayden they just couldn't get Ciera to join them at 7. Like Caleb it's hard to know her exact strategy

I guess being rocked out explains why Katie got the edit she did(Ie most invisible all season).
