Scott Barnett

Did anybody else get super-distracted by the wooden acting by the extras this week? During the hit-and-run scene, all drama was sucked away by watching non-actors cover their mouths in grief and putting on 'sad faces' as they loitered 80-feet from the scene of the tragedy. Maybe that's just me.

Nora at that point, achieved her goal. She found out the truth of what happened to her kids. It had been 7 years. Plus, guilt is an ugly emotion. She probably at the time, felt unworthy of them. She isolated herself to punish herself.

It's a tough role. He's supposed to be unlikable. He's introduced as a competent asshole from the get-go.

The Island is the worldly link to the afterlife; the gate between Earth and the universal spirit. It is the source of all transcendence in humanity. It allowed Jack to perform surgical miracles, Hurley to speak with the dead, it cured Rose's cancer, gave WAAAAAAALLLTT psychic powers, made Jacob immortal, turned CJ