
Seeing as you didn't post any articles there I take it you don't want to move forward. And in between making your 'case' you've called me stupid, bigoted, dumbest motherfucker on earth, libertarian, breitbart commenter, liar. If that's not ad hominem then we're not speaking the same language.

I seem to remember Hillary and her lot getting in a huff when Trump stated he might contest the election results, getting high and mighty about attacking democracy itself.

Really?! None?

Trump is demonstrably not what people think of when hearing the term snowflake, so I conceded from the moment you brought it up that my definition is lacking and needs revising.

I don't know, when out of all the hate crimes supposedly in the hundreds, your first pick is shown to be a hoax? What are the odds of that?

I agreed he could fit my description of a snowflake. NOT that the bigger charges he's accused of are true.

Please find me one established case of a hate crime attributed to a Trump supporter.

All the people who nodded at Hillary's 'deplorables' comment.

It's the same slurs by the same people. It no longer carries any water.

Thanks for the condescension, not any less true though. I didn't see any cars torched, shopfronts smashed, supporters blocked or beat by Republicans when Obama won, did you?

It's a backlash against an administration that cultivated the pieties of identity politics and 'You Can't Say That!', a never ending drum beat of 'we need to have a conversation on how we're so racist, misogynist, homopobic, gun-crazy, Islamophobic'. Only there was never an honest conversation or rational argument,

So now the strategy is to double down on the yelling. That should help.

If by basic decency you mean accusing people of evil moral character for even slightly straying from the official approved view, then I wholehearedly agree.

Riots, violence and hate crime hoaxes. Democrats haven't been this pissed since the Republicans forced them to free their slaves.

The issues that helped Trump (eg immigration) worked wildly well because the boundaries of the national conversation were heavily enforced (culturally) to include only politically correct speech. Trump was the best, if very flawed, shot for a large segment of society to have their concerns reflected in a rejection of

Be that as it may, 8 years of catering to snowflakes is what put him there.

Snowflakes are mentally fragile people whose sensibilities are upended by the smallest things, resorting to rage and vindictiveness when reality doesn't align with their view of the world. Infantilisation is not a badge of honour.

This Marron fellow can get fucked. Who cares? What actual difference does it make to the lives of coloured people to see one of themselves depicted "properly" in FICTIONAL worlds? So much moral masturbation.

This is a game filmmakers can't win. Stop signing them up for it and save yourself the disappointment when acclaimed films invariably fail to live up to your impossible and arbitrary standards. The minorities will do just fine without your handwringing.