
I thought Max's stunt was so cringe worthy I was so embarrassed by it but Max took to twitter to explain and god the editing in this show is pretty messed up. I'll explain myself too if they edited me that way. I want her or Trixie to come back tbh.

There's a meme going around tumblr where they put 'Blank Space' lyrics on Gone Girl scenes (just listen to it) and I can't not think about Gone Girl every time I listen to it anymore. It's pretty much the standout track to me tbh.

Ok, are they really going to do All Stars 2? Its the first time I've seen someone mention it and from you, its seems convincing or am I just missing something?

I'll be disappointed if Bianca Del Rio doesn't win. She SLAYED the competition and dare I say, one of the best drag queens this show has.

They did an all women panel last February with Grace Hlebig, Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart and damn that was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. All 3 of them had great chemistry and not afraid to take jabs at each other including Chris.

It made me really happy and really sad at the same time.

I'm loving Girls this season. Its such a big step from last season and god, I can barely tolerate this show last season with the exception of a few episodes but this season, all episodes so far click for me.

Has anyone ever mentioned the closing credits sequence in this episode? IT WAS HELLA CUTE. I swear if Fox airs that during the Super Bowl, I can expect at least a little rise of viewers because its just so damn catchy.

This album is GOLD. Love every bit especially "Angels & Airwaves" and "Battle Cry".

All I can say is, seeing these bitter Sherlock fans not accepting the fact that one person thinks the opposing show is better than their show makes me laugh and cringe so hard. Keep trying.

Nick taking selfies using an old camera (I really don't what they're called) is so Nick-like.

I love Shoshanna.

Joan Cusack is so great at playing Sheila that I still don't know why she's credited as "special guest star" because that scene alone was a highlight. There's something about Sheila that I just sympathize with her in every scene, especially that scene, and I think Joan has something to do with it.

Wait, is Jess supposed to be fat in flashbacks?

That small cutaway of Danny yelling "YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!" at Mindy then Danny comforting Mindy was hilarious. Hell, the whole workout scene was hilarious that gives this episode an A.

Ok, time for some real Britney talk here. I fucking LOVE Britney Spears and can't give two shit about what you think. I absolutely adore her since the day I heatd 'Toxic' for the very first time. I just love love love everything about her even though she's quite robotic (there, I said it) sometimes.