
For me, growing up reading a lot of comics, the Inhumans were a strange and weird offshoot of the Marvel universe. Now they are bland and boring. I get that Marvel needs a version of "Mutants" they can use on the screen, but watching this season has made me a little be sad. I hope last nights episode gets the

I don't drink, but I do remember be on a camping trip and a buddy of mine could not find any those powdered creamer packets for his cold predawn morning coffee. So he used a packet of lemon-lime Gatorade. "What's the dif?" Great spit take.

The Effie/Pete blow out is not the big thing this episode. Seems to me, the big reveal is Nosferatu admitting not being use to budget constraints before this since his parents have always supported him in his art. Did he not say in the last episode he was on the outside looking in with upper-class families in the

The producers had a good jab at R+J=L theorists when Jon Snow entered the room right after Aemon was lamenting about a lone Targaryen. Made me laugh hard.

Mormons are not Christians. Never have been and never will be no matter how badly they want you to think they are. It is one of the few things Catholic, Evangelical and Orthodox Christians can agree on.