
I love Spider Gwen, Squirrel Girl and Ms. Marvel because they have my kid actually reading for enjoyment. Hopefully this will continue to encourage that habit?? Maybe??

Speaking of, I still can't believe "Oh Heavenly Dog" was my favorite movie as a youngster. Everybody was crazy or murdery. Nobody lived. It was raining throughout the whole thing. Heaven was a 1950s Social Security office or something. But it had an English murder mystery and Benji, so I was all over it.

I was a middle school "critic" who agreed with them.

The comment section for this review would make a better movie. Good job, y'all.

I couldn't finish watching Frenzy when I rented it about 20 years ago. It was so British and 60's it was off-putting. I should try again. I remember enjoying Family Plot.

I remember that by the 80s it was so overplayed and sounded kind of tired. By the mid-90s, I started liking it again.

I love Ne Me Quitte Pas. It pops up often on Edith Piaf radio. Also, believe it or not, The Aristocats theme.

Also sounds a little like "Read All About It" from the early 80s. Canada, amirite?

Never been a huge fan of his stand-up, but we seem to agree on quite a bit.

Bjorn Again is the name of an ABBA tribute band. I love mentioning that.

More Tony Bennett! Less Tony Martin!
Sometimes, that phrase just pops into my head. When I say it aloud, all I get are stares.

Jack Germond-o! Loved that guy. His book "Fat Man in a Middle Seat" is a good read.

The Larry Sanders Show!

I love the one where the Brain and the bully kid (can't remember his name) bond when their parents are late picking them up for school.

Fargo and Lone Star are two of my favorites. Good choices. Also, I remember enjoying Steve Buscemi's Trees Lounge quite a bit. Does it hold up?

Agreed. Remember when men acting like women was hilarious? I was a dumb kid at the time, but the majority of adults thought it was comedy gold, also. I think Jack Tripper and the gay couple on Barney Miller actually enlightened me a little at an impressionable age, believe it or not.

Yeah. That sounded kind of funny.

You win some sort of award that I just invented.

smarties pants or smarty pantses

This made my morning.