
So without even clicking on this, I assume this is Willam, Detox and Vicky singing Chow Down at Chick-Fil-A, correct? ;))

So you have absolutely no problem with Kurt saying "my home", "my apartment" and behaving like a little dictator?
Come on, they both have flaws.

For me it's the other way round: I feel sorry Blaine in this relationship. I mean, he was already a yes-man, now he practically made himself into a faithful servant, and Kurt still treats him horribly.

And apparently this was an ad-lib from Chord… (he tweeted about it).
So I guess Amber's laugh at that line was improvised as well?

Heh, if you're saying that they shouldn't get married, then I absolutely agree with you. I just don't think that it's a simple evil!Blaine - saint!Kurt combination.
They are both more interesting when they are apart, tbh.

yeah, RIP Dr Blaine Anderson ;(

Eh, it would be repetitive.

I see him more as a great performer than a great singer.
Also, not everyone has to have a big broadway voice - that's just one of many ways of singing.

Blaine is high-maintenance?! And Kurt isn't?
Is there some alternative version of Glee that I am not aware of?