
All of those are government mandates first of all. And second of all, it doesn't matter if it is a fee or tacked on to the original price, it is still set at an amount with which you voluntarily exchange your money for a service that provides a greater value to you than the money otherwise would have. It's not until

When's the last time someone has forced you to purchase something or has taken you money involuntarily? Other than healthcare and other government entities, I doubt you can name any. So yes, capitalism is based in voluntary exchanges that produce win win situations.

Thank you.

It also doesn't say bring me your criminals and we will give them free healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, etc.

That's very true. It's interesting to watch the divide within the Republican party as well. This might be the biggest power struggle election for the Republicans we've had yet.

I agree with you on what trump is doing, but I disagree that it is racism that is driving his support. I think his support comes from the fact that for years Republicans are labeled as racists and bigots and no politicians would stand up for themselves. Now, trump not only speaks without stopping on eggshells but he

Big government is extremely dangerous and has resulted in terrible things throughout history. I don't know why people are more concerned about a company that makes "too much" profit than a government which has a monopoly on force spying on their citizens and continuing undeclared wars all over the country. Big

Capitalism is the voluntary exchange of goods and services. Slavery does not fit into that equation. All transactions under capitalism should be voluntary. There is no choice under socialism. It is mandatory what companies can produce and what they can charge for it etc. We have tons of examples of these types of

Tell me, is it racist to say, "some illegal immigrants bring drugs and crime when they come?"

You have several fair points that I won't address. One thing I will point out is that you claimed slavery was brought to us by unfettered capitalism. Capitalism did not bring us slavery..

So it's a lie that some of the illegal aliens coming to the US from Mexico bring drugs and commit crimes?

How can people talk about real issues when our character is torn to shreds if we talk about illegal aliens, crime, and drugs in the same sentence. Trump even said that not all illegal immigrants are bringing in drugs, but you have seen all the people bashing in Trump for hating Mexicans. People need to take a deep

The path we have been going down is the progressive agenda. Bush was a big government guy, Clinton was a big government guy, Bush was a big government guy, Obama is a big government guy.

So you think people want to rip on minorities and women to make themselves feel better?

Thank you so much for sharing his quote. I think it is clear to everyone who reads it that he is not talking about ALL MEXICANS. He is saying that crime and drugs are coming over with the illegal aliens. He is saying that it is not the immigrants that will benefit America. Trump is not against immigration and he does

No, that's not what it means. Grow up. Stop shouting down people that think differently than you do.

What about our economic structure has brought our country to the state it's in? If you're talking about crony capitalism and big government teaming up with big corporations, then I agree with you. If you think socialism is the answer, you are looking for more of the same with a different name.

Nobody has said that. You are full of hate.

Sounds a lot like hope and change hope and change, doesn't it? I'm no Trump fan, but I'm also an honest person. I don't think it is fair to miss quote him as saying "all Mexicans" when he was clearly talking about illegal aliens with a broad brush. Everyone knows what he was talking about, and while I don't agree with