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    Does that mean I'll finally get my redhead Korean babies? Because yes please. #RIPSelfie

    I truly hope so. I would gladly welcome less time on Rebecca if it meant Bonnie exploration.

    I can remember the clothes I was wearing down to the color of my shoes, the way it smelled, every word that was said precisely, and what the weather was like in some random inconsequential memory from when I was 6, or random facts and conversations i had or overheard from an acquaintance or even a complete stranger,

    I also picked up on the deeply historic part of that too. Black women were at the feet of their white Mistresses during slavery, 30s,40s,50s, and even 60s, had black women as maids and such at the feet and at full service to their white female employers/lady of the house, and there was something powerful about that

    Said the same thing. For so long they were trying to give the impression she was in love with Sam when really she has this vibe that suggests she's in love, obsessed with Annalise. Even the way she gleefully threw Nate in the fire knowing it was one more step in killing the relationship he and annalise had.And her

    Nah. He takes the Black Panther approach to new heights. Say it too nicely and the subtext is unnoticed or forgettable. Say what you will about Rowan thespian monologue, love them or hate them, but damn if they aren't memorable. People take notice. Also as much as they do when a non minority sheds light on minority

    Eh every Monday I drag myself out of bed and head into the first day of the Hostage situation and quietly bitch about it the entire time. Every Monday I know it has to be done, but damn if I don't throw out a few snarky and bitter comments along the way. Whatever it takes to get through it. Alas I couldn't be mad at

    Also recovering alcoholic federal agent and unknowing father to a teenage werewolf on Teen Wolf, and Shrink with a fetish for Asian women with issues on Mistresses. Ah Michael del Negro.

    To me,Jake is rehash of Season 1 ' s Stephen. Olivia Pope doesn't have best friends. They axed Henry Ian Cusack after season one, and his character was the closest thing she had to an actual best friend. Jake is Stephen 2.0 with the added benefit of being able to sleep with her. He's the best friend and romantic foil