The Judge

So true it's not actually known if Ragnar existed or is a composite. Kind of like King Arthur. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story!

Fingers crossed!
I think the biggest problem is when it seems they are casting for a certain look a la Aslaug/ Bjorn. I am not vibing any of his sons. Aside from Ivar who is quite impressive and actually has some charisma.
Being eight feet tall and blonde isn't enough.
I'm hoping for some excellent adult replacements

Unfortunately for Vikings, for every inspired casting choice there is an equally poor one. I don't think many of the remaining cast have the capacity to fill the gaping void that Fimmel has left behind. Lagertha and Floki are the only ones with the acting chops to do it and they can't carry the whole show themselves.

I root for the zombies… they have the most interesting dialogue.

Hate watching is great if the show is entertainingly laugh out out loud craptastic like Dexter.

It would take a zombie vs shark fist fight to make me get back on board with this tedious shipwreck of a show.

Slippin Jimmy's Squat Cobbler story was more belivable than anything in tonight's episode.

May the pain be with you…..

The X-position Files - We'll tell you exactly what's out there. Multiple times over.
Alien DNA anyone? I figure that phrase count in this episode matched the smoking mans yearly intake of Malboro's.
Give the lizard man his own series.

Messy convoluted nonsense kind of sums up the X Files - but that is why we love it. Beatrice -may you be eaten by were-lizard.

Loved it - Rhys Darby was the best thing about Flight Of The Concords, I laughed out loud on several occasions. Bodes well for the rest of the season. Does anyone else get the feeling that there might be some testing of the waters for a full blown comeback? Being in my forties and remembering taping the

"A lot of the songs are sung from the point of view of the dead or the dying."
Heart breaking…….
I doubt many artists have said goodbye so beautifully.

A very Vic Mackey ending

Dear True Detective,
This is how you do a second season.

Why let logic get in the way of crap writing and worse story telling. Its just not television…

Attack of the zombie seaweed

Who cares! All that matters is the propeller to the head. I think Rick Grimes needs one of those

Totally. According to the shows mythology everyone is infected so when you snuff it you become a zombie, but when you get bitten you get a fever, snuff it, then become a zombie. Whats the difference? I would think if you where infected you are infected. I dont think viruses are that selective when it comes to method

I think hes adapting better than every one else because he hasnt come down yet.

Pimp my zombie?