Joel Schwartz

Mistake in the article's first paragraph - Romero did not create "By relocating his “ghouls” to present-day America and giving them an appetite for brains," - Romero's zombies are flesh and guts. and well, anything, not brains. The whole brains thing began with the horror comedy Return of the Living Dead, an 80s film

This coming from someone who killed your baby today….sheesh

Thank you!!! I have always loved this movie. You hit the ice cream cone on the head.

Much about Autism is severly misunderstood, even by the "professionals." Some autistic people LOVE word play, although it may have been hard to grasp at first, many do, and have quite a lot of fun with it.

There is strong disagreement in using person-first language is the Autism community. Many feel it is not the same as disability - although aspects can be disabling at times - but an identity tied directly to their neurological functioning and their way of being in the world. Hence, to use person-first language is a

Calling out ableism is not "shitting all over AV club." It is indeed an inspirational story. It is inspiring outside of the realm of inspiration porn in that we are starting to catch up as a society to understand autistic people - even nonverbal autistic people are teeming with intelligence and capability. THAT

Gabor Mate comes to mind.

Really great article - I have something to add from a clinical psychology pov. We are, as a field, in a post-symptom focused era. The promise of quick fixes - brief therapy, and psych meds, has failed. We know that human suffering is chronic and incurable, that happiness is illusory and quick. Therapy is again turning