
awww man…that last shot with Smaug…THAT hooked me.

ooh! so it's like a Wire prequel to some extent

I REALLY don't think this movie is going to be super dramatic…and you know, there is a pair of buddy-FBI agents in this…SO MAYBE?!

Sounds more like Wes Anderson's Boogie Nights.

Bob = Bobby Draper from the Future

Short Film. I actually found this pretty awesome. I think DLR is MORE than aware of what he was doing while making this. Sure, the budget thing and no violence onscreen, but the snoring was because the woman behind the counter was asleep. He's not 1/2 the idiot people think he is, just check him out as the guest on

i think SHE had a crush on DWIGHT. I think it was the first Xmas episode where they were getting drunk and she kissed him and he goes "THAT is the MAN'S job."  Damn, early Office lines were like lyrics, so uniquely funny and easy to remember.