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    It seems that if they ever have actual incest in a porn they have a legal requirement to say that it's fantasy in the title and possibly in the video, so that might be part of it.

    I think they're setting up how the pied piper algorithm is the perfect tool for brute force hacking to come back later

    Love Atamanuik and the show did not disappoint. They way he bests all the other Trump humor is by being so intensely biting and dark, thus avoiding the feeling of turning America's darkest hour into a light-hearted circus (see SNL). Instead he goes hard the other way, deep into the cruel and depressingly human

    Spend more on candles. them stocks are on fire

    Yeahh I think it's just that Weird's main schtick is being an out of touch, lanky, silly, virginesque pasty middle-aged white guy, and it's just way too similar to Scott, who does the same but way more enjoyably (to me). Not that I don't like Al in general, but the two of them together created a sillyness vortex that

    Hahaa, actually me and my gf got an all access porn pass thingy at a hotel once (I wanna say $40 a day? maybe more even) and it was pretty normal porn! I'd seen some of it on the interwebz before even! Mostly I think I'd feel very weird jerking off to a big screen tv if I'd been by myself.. Too much detail!

    I'm always shocked that there aren't more gun users proposing better gun control laws. It's clear that with the level of gun violence in America right now the gun laws have to change, so if people want to avoid them being down right illegal they should be finding ways to bring down the gun violence.

    Lol true except being a trans-phobic bigot who votes against their own economic interests is bad, while being a sex fiend is great

    It's cause Fox news has dangerous misinformation and encourages misleading and/or illogical modes of thought. Is decrying white supremacy censorship too now?
    In all seriousness I don't have a problem with Dan's response except that he didn't show any empathy for where these fox viewers are coming from (angry,

    Ahh the old quandary of liberalism, how to stand up for what you believe in while acknowledging moral relativism and respecting other's voices as just as valid as your own. It's pretty impossible. But I think when other people's beliefs/life choices revolve around depriving other people of their freedoms and whatnot

    I don't know, I just watched Fat Guy Stuck in the Internet's labyrinth episode, and I don't know if Matt Besser's Bowie in that can be beat.
    Still a great episode though. That poor cereal box dude..

    You had me at jort stories. Heading to my local itunes now

    Just here to say that love and radio is the best podcast ever and I'm so glad to see it written up here, even if I am sick of the repeat episodes. Every episode is like an excellent artsy documentary. I usually just listen to earwolf-ish stuff but if you're down for some noncomedy you can't do better than l+r. I don't

    hope that means you watched ping pong! yuasa is an animation god for sure

    i totally agree, partially just because of the message but mostly because of the heavy-handedness of it all. The animation was crazy amazing though. I agree that even the really adventure timey bits just felt a little off in tone. Just didn't work for me in general, glad other people are liking it tho

    anyone else not getting past the first screen with this rom? really excited to mess around with this.. but so far no luck. also someone needs to make a rom for lsd dream elevator, speaking of weirdo video game music ( https://www.youtube.com/wat… )