
Hannah falls off from people, why did the audience need to?

I hated Greg. He and Rebecca had nothing in common as personalities whatseover.

So Hannah drifts apart from Shoshanna and the way to show that is not write the character at all and not let the AUDIENCE see her? That makes no sense.

I remember when she "dated" Derek Jeter, I had no idea who she was. Then I finally caught up with Friday Light Nights. She's super bad.

Listen, that's you, period. She loved Michael more. The show was explicit about it.

They really have never dealt with Alba becoming a widow so young. Remember the flashbacks of her wedding and pregnancy? Her husband was a sweetheart, and hot. But we never saw the flashback of her losing him, or how it happened.

Hinting at Rafael / Jane using MICHAEL as the facilitator. They'll be banging on his grave. If it weren't for your love for MICHAEL, Jane (twinkling stars, capped tooth grin from Rafael), you would never have had the maturity to start again with Rafael! If it weren't for your loving RAFAEL, Jane (cue new made-up

Right, Catalina. The point of all that was what? She didn't even play a part in Rafael going to jail.

Pretty much.

I think JTV's unpredictable days are over. Maybe all of its unpredictability was inspired by the unexpected popularity of Brett Dier's Michael, and now that they got rid of him, we can see just how creative the show is and is not.

I think Michael was a detour they thought they had to take because the character's popularity and the actor's chops were distracting the audience from the larger agenda, and also he was more popular than their nominal leading man. So they did a substory with Michael, killed him off, and are now continuing with their

I must be the only one who prefers this Mateo to the original. At least from what I've been reading elsewhere.

Neither do Jane and Rafael, remember? Also, I don't recall anyone on the show saying they were committed to following the rules of telenova. I've seen enough to know that's not a great idea.

The thing is this is not a typical telenova, it's a riff on one, and if the show follows telenova rules it will drop in ratings.

Must disagree. She was wooden in that.

Same. Jane is annoying. My problem is that her writing isn't grounded in anything believable, and her pursuit of it hasn't been believable since Professor Donaldson stopped being her mentor. Her writing just seems like a device to ram home plot points from her life. It's also a device to introduce conflict characters

Well, back when Michael was alive I assumed Petra and Raphael were "end game" or the show wouldn't have made her his redundant baby mama, with twins, yet. He so obviously has the better chemistry with her, and the characters are a better fit. But after they killed Michael I'm pretty sure they're going to railroad

Yes, anxiety plays like that, but Rebecca's wedding planning is just another manifestation of what looks like anxiety-fueled mania - her move to West Covina in the first place and the depression that preceded it, her make-over, her attempt to do ping pong, etc.

I've read the show runners know exactly what Rebecca is, and it will be revealed at some point. My Rebecca-like friend was diagnosed as a rapid-cycle bipolar once, but these things aren't often clinical diagnoses, and neither was hers. It was later thought to be erroneous. Curious what they come up with. Bipolar

Agreed. Actually, feminist author Susan Faludi ("Backlash") points that out all the time.