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    Too bad he and Qhorin never met up. Would've made for an awkward handshake.

    Didn't realize just how physically massive that Thenn was. Jon Snow looked puny next to him.

    Still got a few years to settle the bet:

    Yes, thank you, I realize it's a *somewhat* necessary convention from time to time. Not nearly as necessary as the "Needs more dumbing down for the masses!" producers and directors seem to believe, though. It's the easy way out; there are more creative ways to differentiate armored/costumed/masked characters, and

    Yes, thank you, I realize it's a *somewhat* necessary convention from time to time. Not nearly as necessary as the "Needs more dumbing down for the masses!" producers and directors seem to believe, though. It's the easy way out; there are more creative ways to differentiate armored/costumed/masked characters, and

    As Oberyn pranced around while the Mountain was on his back, I couldn't help thinking (even knowing it wouldn't happen), "Wow, he could sink that spear in Tywin's chest pretty damn easily right now. Nice wham-bam double revenge, suicidal as it might be." Might have made more sense if the confession had been made.

    Sophie Turner definitely converted me during this episode. She's obviously been working on her skills, and it's great to see the casting of a relatively young kid work out well. TV series and serial films are littered with once-cute kids who never seemed to learn how to act, to the detriment of their supposedly

    Or full absence of light brown worm.

    Yeah, if there's one TV/Film convention I can't stand, it's when the main characters go sans helmet. Talk about fucking up the suspension of disbelief.

    Haven't rewatched it yet, but the eye gauging definitely ended with a crush. A man crush if you will?

    Kinda messes with one's sleepytime fap ritual, no?

    Besides knowing that there's no way the show could or even should encompass all the meanderings and details that appear in the books, I'm even more okay with the departures from the books simply knowing that GRRM's been a part of the show process all along. If the damn author seems okay with the changes, why should I

    The Mountain as The Thing…"IT'S OBERIN' TIME!!!"?