
Yea, I always found that to be bizarre. At least By the Book ends with Trevor driving the poor torture victim to the airport.

I had a friend who was an expert at it for some reason. I had no problem calling him over to pass it for me.

The Water Temple from Ocarina of Time. There. That's your list.

Thanks, doc.

Why is Elizabeth working Young Hee? Did I miss something?

How can this POSSIBLY tell us anything we don't already know about them? The Anthology is over 8 hours long.

The fuck is Nate Fernald?

A giant warrior died instantly on Game of Thrones because a tiny little girl stabbed him in the back with a tiny little dagger. Cool.

Well put.

Can anyone point out any scenes where Selina demonstrates any sort of cunning or likability at all? She's basically Richie Finestra played by the most beloved sitcom actress of all time.

Selina Meyers scenes where she's likable can fit on a cassette tape.

I enjoyed Chet on ecstasy. Or was that the also ecstasy?

Just googled. It's called Joke Overload and it was mentioned above. Carry on….

I forgot the title, but the episode with Adam Scott in Klingon makeup is my favorite. Also, it's the first episode of the show I watched and what got me into the show in the first place.

Ol' Sourpuss stayin' busy.

Isn't everything the Daily Show does now quiet because it's not funny anymore?

Serious question: Did Comedy Central sponsor this post?

Ha, ha, wow. Didn't know about that.

Meryl Streep is in the Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Leo DiCaprio club of "Too fucking dumb to go on talk shows without embarrassing yourself".

"I kind of like that the Whole Foods rep, despite the accent and riding crop, never displayed any sort of full-on cruelty, even though I kept waiting for him to."