
Carrolla's film just came out and he's been running all over the place promoting it so maybe that has something to do with it.

He was on the BS Report and explained to Simmons something he said in the paperback version of James Miller's SNL book about having a problem with some of Jim Downey's political stuff. I think he felt like a lot of it was too harsh. I could have mis-heard. I was working while listening.

He has a podcast where he voluntarily locks himself in a room with Adam Scott for hours at a time.

Hard not to like Tig, but she's usually a comedy roadblock when she's on a podcast with other funny people. Maybe everyone else was getting annoyed with her.

“I don’t think we’re talking about love here. We’re talking about s-e-x in front of the c-h-i-l-d-r-e-n!” “Sex Cauldron? I thought they closed that place down!”

Yea, young Gaddafi face, old Gaddafi hairstyle.

Ilana Glazer is obviously a beautiful, sexy woman. But does she remind anyone else of a young Gaddafi?

I think we now know one guy who can play Johnny Ramone in the Ramones movie.

Grade School Confidential has Krusty's "Sex Cauldron" line. For my money, the funniest moment in the shows history.

Technicality, No, Down, Boo, Over also makes an appearance coming out of the commercial break.

You spelled the wrong Natasha's name wrong. So much for feeling smart.

Zardoz ended up being one of the more "epic" HDTGM episodes I've heard. They were all over the place.

Leave her alone, her wedding just fell apart.

Every character on this show is "the worst" of something.

At least we got Oliver Subpodcasts before he left us.


Long and tedious.

Always thought they should do standalone episodes for the first 3 albums that they crammed into the first ep. Adam Scott he was least familiar with those and it showed I think. Maybe that's what I SHOULD'VE asked…

Monday Morning QB over here…..

I honestly think PFT would've thrown his iPad at me. He even asked the audience if any of us were late because we were at "That stupid U2 Podcast with those 2 idiots".