
Your short changing The Beatles version of "With A Little Help From My Friends" by calling it a "simple, silly little ditty". It's one of their best songs. Certainly better than Cockers version.

I thought this was the best episode yet. Maybe I'm too much of a podcast dork. (Daly, Peretti, Ducca). Strange that this reviewer knows exactly what's happening during a "Wheels: Ontario" sketch but is completely lost during The Ballad of Bobby D sketch. At least said reviewer didn't squeeze a B+ grade for "Girls"

I guess Todd is afraid of being labeled a misogynist by the middling Judd Apatow. Girls is the definition of an empty waste of time.

What about Dragonfire?

You can kill white walkers with fire, too though, right?

Are you kidding me?!?! Ok. Sorry about that.

Jon Snow killed a white walker with fire in Mormont's chambers in season 1. So Samwell wasn't the first.