
Hilarious! Her family must be so heartbroken, and her friends in the car with her will be traumatized for life! But it's OK because they did something that was negligent in a National Park! LMFAO!

Pat used to write this long-running column for UW-Stevens Point's student newspaper back when I was on staff. For our year-end party, he popped by but couldn't stay (he'd graduated long before, but just kept up with the column because everyone loved it), but he gave us a bottle of this crazy wormwood-infused liquor

Yeah, and whoever heard of teenagers (or young adults) making illogical romantic choices!?

Yeah, I don't get this writer's affinity for Chick, either. He's got a few funny oddball lines, but otherwise he's just a one-dimensional weirdo. There's a mention of Chick in each review, even if he only has two lines.

Not sure how Norman nearly choking the Professor to death after he says "Norman, do you want to sleep with your mother?" is anything but casting subtext to the wind.

Best episode of the series, by far.