Jean Grey's Anatomy

I wish the AVClub would do something about The Catch like they do with Grey's. It's definitely the TGIT show I am the most excited about. It manages breezy with complexity in a unique way.
I haaate George though, he can leave.
I also heavily dislike Sophie, I hate how her mouth barely moves, I hope it's not some sort of…

Awwww can Stephanie stay? I feel like she's the only professional on the roster.

The way it was revealed she was dead was very powerful. With the man just saying her time of death and Amelia not really getting it until it just dawned on her.

All the ghosts were when Meredith was literally between life and death.
So you could most definitely chalk it all up to her halluciating due to oxygen deprivation maybe?

And banged a ghost.

Awww Private Practice! I miss Addison.
If there was to be another spin-off with a member or two of the current cast, what would you like to see?
Stephanie's adventures for me.

Tommy always came later, and I believe he's hinted at.

You're a celebrity.
We'll bang, okay?

I can't deal with origin stories anymore.

What was the one that followed Turbo and they were in Space? But it wasn't Lost Galaxy! That was my favorite one? Power Rangers in Space?

It worked for James Bond but only for one movie out of four if you want my humble opinion. Casino Royale is solid but the three others, meeeeeh.
I'm trying to think of another Nolanization that could have worked…Coming up empty.


Doesn't Hogarth(he's a man in the comics) run things for Danny?

At this point Teen Wolf Dad is like my favorite character.

I genuinely did not understand what was going on with the barking. I assumed something was happening off screen because they never showed his face while he did it. Talk about cringe.

Please, no. I beg of you no more Rowan. And Jake Ballard.

Shonda Rhimes can't even answer that question.

C feels kinda generous to me. At this point, I've given into the hatewatch, it has taken over me. I don't want to watch this show, but I just do.

Yeah I was kinda surprised that April would be head of general, as that's not even her speciality, she's trauma, unless the two can be interchangeable, I'm not a doctor so I'm not sure.

Wait wait wait, who's the English who's the Italian? Did I miss something?