Jean Grey's Anatomy

But it had Wonder Woman showing up with that AWESOME music!


If she didn't take the pills, Jake would have shot her, thrown her in a ditch and somehow revealed that she was behind everything. That's what Olivia explains. So taking the pills is better for her legacy.


I thought it was well known that Shondaland shows can be still shooting scenes until the day before it goes live.

I can't believe someone could think Kandi Alexander's performance was amazing, it was one of the most annoying television moments I have ever seen.

Wow, Maya Pope had a monologue that was even more cringy than an Eli Pope monologue, I am without words.

I refuse to believe Maggie and Avery will be a thing.

Fifteen days later but the Debick is the best thing in Man from UNCLE.

I have this theory that Scandal is a prequel to Parks and Recreation. It's the story of Perd. In Scandal, he speaks coherently, no redundancies to his speech, something big will happen that will fuck him up so much that he has to return to his home town, which is the town he calls home, you guessed it, Pawnee, Indiana.

Wasn't he Teddy Altman's husband? Teddy was such a waste. The only reason I accept her existence is because Hulkling's from Young Avengers is called Teddy Altman.

My thoughts, my thoughts:

Well yeah, the moment Peus stated that he would be the VP, I figured it was to House of Card Mellie and become president himself.

Oh please, they were already going downhill when the metal chair happened.
If you want my opinion, it's the moment they distanced themselves from the "Fixer" plotlines and went full B613.

Refresh my memory but did the Fitz-five kill, blackmail and threaten their way to leadership?
I remember they rigged some voting machine in a town called Defiance, and they did some questionable things to Quinn? What else went down during that election?

I miss Olivia and her team fixing the problems of the political elite.

So all that it took was to have Ponytail in a separate room from all the others, and then they could save Mellie? And what about Peus? He's still running around with seemingly every power available to him? This whole episode was such a waste. Admittedly, I've been hatewatching probably since season 4, I just want to

She's like the queen of guest stars.

1. I think worms in my body is my new phobia.
2. That vomit was definitely, DEFINITELY apple based.
3. Maggie, I know having a crush can be a big thing, even when you're an adult. But COME, ON. He never showed any interest in you, and Meredith was obviously uncomfortable about admitting what was going on. At least it

17 days later but Iron Fist can be an amazing character if written well.