
you forgot to add, "for a single showing at the same time as a non-restricted showing is taking place"

equality like not actually banning anyone from anything and allowing both sexes to see the same movie at the same theater numerous times?
equality won!
that was fast

you're literally the only person here who thinks that's the issue people care about

he can still go the movie
in fact, he could be watching it at 7:30 that very night in the same building

so where's your outrage at Applebee's?

what service is being denied?

so some things which are technically discrimination are OK based on context?

there are 4 other screenings that day

if some whites only event is occurring and down the hall is the exact same event for everyone, it sounds like the black person is going to the white event just to pick a fight
in which case, yeah he's being an asshole

do you not understand historical social power balances?
a minority impinging on a majority is not the same as the reverse

good thing Alamo didn't do that then
plenty of things that are not prevented by law are still dick moves

a lot of this discussion is missing that this jackass was able to purchase a ticket with no issue
so he wasn't discriminated from anything
he just wants to be a dick
what if a theater held a special screening of a movie for blind people with full descriptive narration played out loud?
a sighted person could go to it but

was that ever actually the case?
also, getting to work or wherever on time is slightly more important than seeing a movie
so this case only works if all of those busses are lined up in a row to depart at the same time on the same route
in which case, no city government in the world would take on such an unnecessary

you're talking about it, so you did too

you know who else made it with dozens and dozens of chicks? The Beatles

oh god, how long have I been reading this thread?!?

you ain't gonna make it with anyone, anyhow


yeah, just come out and say Nazi

the equivalence would be an all inclusive club having a single tee time only available for men