
it is

why didn't you post your ticket purchase on Twitter and brag about it?

now who's delivering a false equivalency?
why would that be a thing
white people don't need empowering and that movie doesn't necessarily promote inherently good white qualities

fair point
I should have said, it got mostly bad reviews and what I saw of it looked terrible

that's not very silent

if that was true he wouldn't have tweeted about buying a ticket

If it's assigned seating, it would be hilarious if the theater turns his seat around or just removes it

they are
there are 4 identical cakes being baked the same day and dozens more over the next few weeks

… apparently not

they are baking 4 other identical cakes that day and dozens more over the next few weeks
just eat any other cake and let the women have the one set aside for them

the equivalency here would be more like if the only other movie men could see is "Power Female" from Brothers Warner studios

it's not a public accommodation
it's a special screening added as an event for women
if it wasn't created to be for women it wouldn't exist

how is it not the same?
considering there's a normal showing at 7, the 7:30 women's only showing is a special event that this jackass feels entitled to

movie theaters also sometimes have special screenings of movies for kids where it's expected that only small children and their parents attend
would you buy a ticket for one of those screenings to make some kind of "point"?

I'm very eager to see Wonder Woman because it's based directly on a comic that hasn't had a film yet and has positive early reactions

you can call it discriminating when the people who've always been in power do it
when the people who have traditionally never had power ask for special treatment it's just a small attempt at gaining equality
it's almost like different events should be considered differently based on numerous historical and societal

you know there are 4 other screenings of the same movie at the same theater that day including one showing a half hour earlier?

also, there are 4 other showings that day alone, one of which is at 7, effectively the same time
so the women's only screening literally doesn't impact him in any way

it's Alamo Draft House..
considering their intolerance for people texting, this guy is definitely going to be tossed out

Would it be too much to ask for some of the writers of the comic to write for the show? Donald Glover is great and all, but I don't trust that he can write Deadpool.