
I bet the only way to fix everything is to go back in time and kill his mother again. Or save his mother.

the "failing" New York Times is fake news
except when I want to cite them for one of my successes

glad I already downloaded the mp3s

Sad that many people seem to be giving it a pass at the first song and not even getting to Luke is in the Desert and Whining, the brilliance of He's Leaving Home and Dianoga, Sewer Snake

did she get invited on stage because she looks like Noodle?

No. He died at the very end of the show, when we saw his eye close.

how is people dying at the end of the show the same as them being dead the whole time?
failing at comprehension and blaming others is what assholes do

Why? He was wrong.

that was his origin story so what's your point?

and why is Captain Marvel's star on it?

also makes no sense

why am I supposed to be excited about 'UNITE' when I haven't seen any of these characters not united yet?

well I'm glad I watched all of Dollhouse last year, but I shouldn't have taken such a long break in my Buffy watching
…don't think I can get from the middle of season 3 to the end, including Angel, in 2 weeks

Go Go Lithgow! He's already so good. This feels like it could be taking place in Pawnee for sure.

I stopped watching this sometime last season but will check this out as it sound like it can be enjoyed as a stand-alone.

so basically…
"what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have

"Miss Martian and Mr. Manhunter"
- we just say 'Manhunter'

nah, it's ok because Trump is a little white bitch

Dark Night is about a Batman movie…
and I don't see how it's possible to be .001% optimistic about it
it shouldn't exist