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    If you go to Cracked, it's usually a good idea to click the "Votes" tab on the comments. "Recent" is a little more hit-or-miss.

    Interesting. Others have expressed the same opinion of Cracked, but in all fairness, they were other Cracked commenters. Perhaps we're all just more comfortable in the haunts we know best.

    I understand what you're saying, and I'm glad you're engaging me now in the way I had hoped people would.

    To be clear, I didn't mean to be insulting per se. I meant to express a critical point of view born of increasing frustration.

    I wasn't angry until people pushed me to do something I didn't want to do, and people like you said I shouldn't talk about feeling that way.

    *salutes silently*

    I think I'll edit my reply. Perhaps using something inflammatory and slangy does diminish the meaning.

    It was the most colloquial way to express what I was thinking. I never like the term, myself, but its meaning is apt. People get angry about the most trivial things for the most trivial reasons.

    "What I took from your comment was that your main issue was with your friends not understanding why you didn't like it. So tell them that Dany's character is poor and whatnot, I agree."

    If that's how you truly meant it, I was not able to discern it. Sarcasm and jokes do not always come across well in print as they might if I could hear your tone of voice. I really felt like you took me much too seriously and too personally. If I was guilty of the same, then I apologize.

    Fanatic is a neutral noun. It's a kind of person with specific traits, and it's not a personal attack unless it's aimed at specific person or people. Really, look it up. That's the definition. That you're taking it personally is at the heart of the problem.

    "MC, sharing those thoughts with her friends might actually be helpful to her."

    "Maybe you could share your thoughts with them, instead of a bunch of random folk on the internet?"

    Why should you have a problem with the word "butthurt" if you watch Game of Thrones?

    I posted it here wanting to talk about it and then was questioned as to why I would say what I said. The reply, that it was aimed specifically at the author, didn't mean that no one else was meant to see, reply, or disagree.

    Perhaps, then, at least you recognize you might be a pot calling a kettle black.

    Thank you for replying to the content of my comment instead of criticizing its existence, Chris.

    That's not what I said, Chris, and it's not what I meant, either. That's how you've chosen to interpret it.

    I try so hard to be polite on comment threads. (Exempting someone who's been hideously rude to me.) I use the phrase, "I respectfully disagree" quite often, and when I say that, I do remain respectful. I don't know why that's so hard. I don't know why people go out of their way to hurt other people's feelings over a

    That's true. I think it would be nice if people would respect, or at least be courteous, about others' opinions on anything that's mere entertainment.