
Dude, Myles, bang on that Temporality Drum all you want, I'm right there with you. Because the show's drumbeat is some freaky polyrhythmic avant garde jazz shit this season and it's really throwing me as well. I nearly died when Jon nodded to this fact with the "you haven't been gone long" line.

Good points but harsh. I think the AV Club staff has a habit of getting a little too heady with their analyses. They ride a tricky line between being intellectual in their critiques and being jaded towards the shows as pieces of entertainment. It's like an old man being unimpressed with new forms of art, as wise and

Rewatched Gladiator the other day. Holds up surprisingly well and is still extremely entertaining. I think something not many people discuss is how Ridley Scott, with Gladiator, established a new golden standard style pallet for action films and TV that is still in effect today (don't believe me? Watch Game of

Well, it's official. Myles is jaded.

Interesting approach for watching films. I'm going to be trying this. I too-often feel a guilt for wanting to turn a film off before completing it, but this approach seems more than reasonable. Only thing I wish this article dove into more was what actually works and what doesn't work about the first 10 minutes of a

B-? Well, I think it's official. AV Club has gone the way of Pitchfork. Pretentious, insatiable, and caught in its own echo-chamber of criticism. This episode was top-notch television. There are no "dueling impulses" of the show. It's singular and strong and mysterious and unique (even from season one and somehow