If that was the case, the whole scene wouldn't have happened; there would not have been a reason to fake danger and draw Barry out.
If that was the case, the whole scene wouldn't have happened; there would not have been a reason to fake danger and draw Barry out.
I thought it was silly that Barry fell for the call of Patty. Patty is a rather fearless cop; she can handle herself. Also, why would she call the lab guy/ex instead of the police?; Barry should’ve known better.
It was kind of a silly idea of Barry not to tell Patty privately about him being The Flash. Not everyone would like to have the secret life and identity sprung on them in the middle of what they think is a date. And I think most dates would not appreciate it if they are suddenly being made part of a superhero crime…
I can understand why someone might dump Barry (his seemingly erratic behavior and lies), but I still found it a bit sudden that Patty left everything behind.
I probably missed the part in a previous episode where Iris’ mom confirmed that her son was actually Joe’s. I was still hoping it was not definite. It made the introduction of Wally obvious.
I was not such a fan of this episode, but I didn't think it was bad either. My main issue is that The Doctor was so hung up on Clara. I just could not understand why Clara was more important than anything else. It was as if he had become religious and Clara was his god. He even killed someone for her. What made her…
I completely agree; it was like the reverse situation of the villain revealing his master plan. In this case, the heroes were open about their intentions.
It is silly, but I was secretly hoping there was a “undo (last change)” feature on the computer, so that Jessica could just retrieve the videos when Kilgrave left. Or maybe some back-up copy, leftover traces, etc.
I feel that "Harry" is simply using the team (and possibly willing to sacrifice them) to save his daughter. Maybe that is the reason why he keeps pushing everyone to be fearless; to get his daughter back and punish Zoom through them.
Though I am not into seeing more mourning going around for Caitlin, I agree that her crushing on Jay feels sudden. In the last ep. of S1 she married Ronnie and now she was into Jay.
True, but I thought he was romancing her, that is why I wrote "over it". But I could be wrong that it had something remotely to do with love; I only remember it vaguely and I don't know that much about Namor (I do know that Emma is fine with it, when she isn't involved with anyone).
Ha, yeah, Emma may be a substitute blonde surface dweller for him.
I remember that Namor tried to get Emma to stay with him at some point. Didn't know it was still a thing, because I thought Namor never really stopped pining after Sue.
I started of entirely being pro-Xena and eventually ending up in camp Gabby. It might be because Gabrielle was the everyman who grew/developed throughout the show (the wardrobe and weapon were actually a good way to emphasize it).
True, Xena was skillful and adapated her tactics when needed. I just meant that her being very intelligent is not the first things that pops up in my mind when I think about Xena ^^ Maybe because I got used to that Xena was that skillful, that she was talented in almost anything. It was at some point the "norm" for…
I am more curious who will play Joxer, Ares and Callisto if the reboot materializes (and is successful enough to add more characters along the way).
Personally the one thing that I would not immediately attribute to Xena is her being smart. Not that she was a thick like a brick, more that her claim to fame that Xena is a level-headed warrior (incl. acrobatics, her chakram and yodel/battle cry).
Though Xena was a spin-off, I feel like Xena was her own show. Not much to do with Hercules and vice versa. Characters like Ares were much more part of both shows. So I am entirely okay with not bringing in Hercules (or at least Sorbo).
Ah, so she wanted to pass the torch to a next generation. Presuming this is still what she wants, they would go through the trouble to revive Xena only to introduce the new cast and then leave? I feel a bit mixed about that.
Renee looks fine, from the pictures I have seen. It could be because of make-up, but she does not look bad at all, imo ^^